Friday, March 18, 2011

Stagecoach-Unforgiven-True Grit Comparison

I think that Stagecoach and True Grit are both similar and different. Women are very different in the two movies, in True Grit the little girl is the only girl that you see most of the time throughout the film compared to Mrs. Dallas and Mrs. Mallory in Stagecoach. I think that True Grit is a revisionist western because women play a bigger role such as the little girl that went on the journey with rooster and actually shot her gun at a man, the hero (rooster) changes throughout the film because at first he didn't take the little girl seriously but at the end of the film they became friends and trusted each other. I believe Stagecoach is more of a classic western because overall there is more violence and gore than there is in True Grit. Also because women have more of a supporting role rather than a lead role and the hero (Ringo) doesn't change too much throughout the film for the fact that he was mainly a good person. I think that the Coen brothers were trying to say that you should give people a second chance because in revisionist westerns the hero changes and at the beginning of the film Rooster was just someone that was trying to steal the little girls money but at the end of the film he and Maddie became good friends. I think that Maddie trusting Rooster twice was the main point of their thematical idea.

I think that True Grit and Unforgiven are both revisionist westerns. They both show less violent/gore than classic westerns and the hero changes in both of the films. At the beginning of True Grit Rooster seemed to be a conman that doesn't take Maddie seriously and just wants to take her money and take off on his own but throughout the film he changes and begins to like her and they both become good friends. In the beginning of Unforgiven Will Munny was just an old outlaw that killed a lot of people back in the day but he changes into a good man at the end of the film and seems to kill for the right reason (Bill killed his friend Ned Logan). Some classic elements in True Grit and Unforgiven could be that there was only one women in the leading role in True Grit and there wasn't a women in a lead role in Unforgiven. I thought it was a close call to call Unforgiven a revisionist but I think that overall it really is.

As stated previously I think that the theme of True Grit is pure revisionist. This is because the hero changes dramatically throughout the film. Rooster starts off as this old man that can't take Maddie seriously and just wants her money, but as the film goes on he really changes and starts to like Maddie. I was surprised that Maddie gave Rooster another chance after he almost got away with the money. Another reason I think the theme of True Grit is revisionist is because one of the leading roles is a woman unlike classic westerns when women have a small role in the film. I think that the theme of True Grit was to give people a second chance as Maddie gave Rooster a second chance he followed through with it. This is what the Coen brothers wanted to show as the theme of the film

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Online Film Analysis Assignment

Clip A: I thought that at the beginning of the clip that there was a long shot that showed the group of people sitting at the table. I also thought that the lighting was on the top of the setting and the ratio was high. I saw a lot of medium shots that were taken from the waist and above. There was one scene that I thought there was a high-key lighting and it was the part when the camera was on the girl with brown hair.

Clip C: At the beginning of the clip I noticed an extreme close up shot that was on the character that was holding the bug. I thought there was a part that was a hand held camera but it could have been a steadicam, this happened at 14 seconds into the clip until 18 seconds into the clip. I thought there was a long shot of the two men standing next to the red van. At the end of the clip the camera is zoomed on the man wearing the glasses.

Clip D: I thought that the beginning of the clip that the camera as either on a tracking dolly or it could have been someone holding the camera on a steadicam that was following the man and the little kid. I also thought that during the whole clip there was a medium and long shot because I could see the peoples legs and sometimes I couldn't see them. There was a lot of shots that were very dark and there was a musical motif that was occuring throughout the whole clip.

Clip F: At the beginning of the clip I thought that the camera was on a dolly. At the same time that the camera was on the dolly it showed a long shot with the two children facing the door. After that long shot there was an extreme long shot that showed two people watching the house on fire and it showed the location of the scene as in a remote area in the woods.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Picture Nominee Blogging Assignment


Social Network

1.) Entertaining

2.) Good story

3.) Good script

True Grit

1.) Funny

2.) Adventure

3.) Revenge

Toy Story 3

1.) Good story

2.) Good ending

3.) Predicting

The King's Speech

1.) Good

2.) Funny

3.) Good acting


1.) New

2.) Dream

3.) Different

Winter's Bone

1.) Sad

2.) Dedication

3.) Proof

1. The Social Network

I liked the Social Network because it showed how one of the most popular websites was created. It also had some very funny lines such as when Mark said "It's raining outside" when the lawyer was trying to talk to him. The storyline was very good because it showed a relationship between a group of people through their ups and downs and that they didn't think that facebook would become what it is today. I thought the film's theatrical performance was very good, Jesse Eisenberg (Mark) was very funny and was a good choice to pick for the film. It seemed like he had a big mouth and new what to say on the spot and most people can't think of that kind of stuff on the spot. Another thing that I really thought was cool was that the film kept switching scenes to answer questions the lawyers asked during the interviews. You could see what the actor was saying and how the event occured when they were presented with a question. This movie is #1 on my list because it was funny, had a good performance, cinematic components and also that I could relate more because I have a facebook.


Inception was a good movie because it showed a different type of experience when you were watching it, it was almost like you were involved in the movie. The film's storytelling was good because it showed the story of a man that got trapped inside a dream and at the end of the movie he was saved. I liked the storyline because it wasn't as predictable as others and at the beginning of the movie when Leonardo was at the beach you wouldn't think that it had to do with the ending of the movie. During the movie you were constantly thinking about how everything was connected. The acting was good but it wasn't funny and that's why it wasn't #1, funny movies are my favorite kind of movies. I can't remember much about the acting but I really liked how when Leonardo needed to be serious in some scenes he did it well. The film also had some really cool scenery, for example when they went into a dream and they were in the snow mountains. I thought that was really cool. The main reason that I ranked this movie as #2 was because it wasn't original, the idea of dreaming and having it connect to real life was very creative unlike the other movies nominated for best picture.

3. Toy Story 3

I really liked Toy Story 3 because when I was young I loved the first two movies. I liked how all of the toys worked together to save Buzz from being reset and made to be evil. I thought that the voice actors fit each role pretty well and that there was a good storyline that was started right after Toy Story 2. I thought that Andy was a good role model for the little kids that watch the Toy Story movies because they need a good role model to look up to and Pixar did a good job with that. In a way it felt like it was the same as Toy Story 2 in the way that the toys always get lost and then find a way back some how. I wish that they had renovated it a little bit but overall I thought that it was still good enough to be #3. The picture was a big part for me, I saw the movie in IMAX and I thought that it was really cool. It seemed like this is one of the reasons that it took so long for them to make Toy Story because they wanted it to be high quality. This movie reminded me of Avatar because they both were planned (at least the last Toy Story movie was 1999) to be made earlier but James Cameron had to wait for the technology to be better and I felt like that's what pixar did also. This movie was #3 on my list because I didn't feel bored when I was watching it sometimes unlike Winter's Bone and The King's Speech and I thought that Inception and The Social Network were more relatable because Toy Story is mainly targeted at "young ones".

4. True Grit

I thought that True Grit was a good movie and I thought that it was made pretty well considering it was made by the Coen brothers. The script was one of my favorite parts about the movie and I thought that there was a lot of funny lines. I thought that Rooster had some funny scenes such as when he was firing his gun and he kept missing and when he got drunk. The actress that played Mattie was very good because she did a good job of acting brave and courageous in the movie, for example when she shot Tom Cheney she did not look scared to pull the trigger unlike most 14 year old girls. I liked the different camera angles at the beginning of the movie when the scene was being shot from the train. It felt like the film was rushed after Tom Cheney was found and the Coen brothers wanted to just finish the movie. This movie was #4 on my list because some of the scenes felt slow to me and also because it seems like the majority of western movies are about the same thing and that I couldn't understand some of the roles of characters because they didn't really specify who they were.

5. The King's Speech

I thought that The King's Speech was an ok movie. I liked some of the funny lines for example when Birdie was swearing to get his anger out. But honestly I just wasn't really entertained with the movie very much overall. I thought it was boring because it felt like the whole movie was moving really slow, especially when the doctor was teaching Birdie how to talk. I thought that the acting was very good but didn't make up for the things I didn't like about the movie and I think that this film shouldn't be a nominee for best picture. I don't remember much about the cinematography but I liked how the majority of the time the camera was focused on the microphone because that it what the movie is about. This movie was #5 on my list because I wasn't very entertained with it like some of the others and I thought that the whole royal status was ignorant because I think that one family ruling a country doesn't make much sense.

6. Winter's Bone

I didn't really like Winter's Bone. Kind of like The King's Speech it felt like nothing really happened. I thought that Winter's Bone was just a girl looking for her dad and not finding any clues and then she just happens to find her dad's hand in a lake. Some things I did like though was that the girl similiar to the girl in True Grit in the way that they both are very brave for example in Winter's Bone she wanted to serve in the military and I thought that was brave because that is odd behavior for a young girl. Again, like True Grit the acting was good but the movie just felt slow. I thought that the writing was average and nothing special because the whole movie just felt so serious. The cineamatography was a little disturbing on the boat when you could hear the sound from the chainsaw and seeing the blood in the water wasI didn't like the beginning of the movie because I wasn't into the music, the camera was slow and the setting didn't really get me hooked. I just thought that the storyline of a girl who's father disappears and that you didn't get to see him wasn't interesting. The King's Speech and Winter's Bone could be switched places because I felt like both of them were more of "adult" movies in the way that I couldn't watch the movie without getting distracted. It seemed like both of the movies didn't have much action and they weren't funny.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Movie Review


funny, entertaining, will ferrell, nerdy, 40 years old, live with mom and dad, drum set, singing, adapt, new brother, angry at each other at first, things in common, sleep walk, arguments, prestige worldwide.

REVIEW OF StepBrothers
     I think that the movie is really funny because it is about two older guys that haven't "grown up" and they become brothers at the age of 39 and 40. Will ferrell has always been one of my favorite actors and never fails at entertaning people. Brennan and Dale get into a lot of arguments about stupid things. Prestige worldwide is the company that Brennan and Dale create. The things that Brennan and Dale have in common are magazines, dinosaurs and sleepwalking. Brennan acts like he is really good at singing in the movie. Brennan and Dale are very nerdy in the sense that they both want fictional names such as "Knight Hawk" and "Dragon".